DSC_6325 (2)The starting point of care in Titurel is in the image of man, where we see man as a social being, focused on developing from within itself. This development can only work in relation to the other. This idea has been designed within the residential care- working community. Central values ​​here are equality, it made together with the resident send, attention and trust.

Titurel is a home for its residents, where its residents find warmth and security: she is a living, work- and residential community in which each individual is given the opportunity to discover his or her potential development opportunities and fulfill.

Titurel also offers individual counseling (based on an individual care plan) within the community: only within this context, the resident may develop as a social being. The community shapes the security, social contacts and joint but also the means to develop further.

Within this community, the individual remains central. As every person in the community better manages to take into account the different needs fewer seemed to be adjusting to these community. Ultimately it is not about the adaptation of humans to the community, but the adjustment of that community to the individual.

The care vision is further developed under "Titurel creates'

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