In support of the residents we distinguish within Titurel various functions and staff. All of our employees have a good education and relevant experience, they share the vision and method of Titurel.
We strive for a long-term relationship with our employees. In this way we guarantee the continuity of care, but also the commitment to the residents and the employees themselves; they are part of the community together.

Working at Titurel: along the road. (Also working at Titurel? click and here our jobs)

Photo by job web

Working at Titurel is particularly. Titurel asks more of its employees than education and experience. distance, closeness and trust are important, like a sense of improvisation, the desire to want to contribute to a greater whole. It is essential that you have a good feeling among the residents of Titurel,nl. Every day you are indeed a guest at their home. You help them to lead a good life both inside and outside Titurel, not their limitations, but rather with their capabilities as a starting point.

"Employees and residents are equal Titurel, they only have different responsibilities ", Luke says of Crimpen (65). He has been 26 jaar bij Titurel, Today coordinator facility services. He proposes that each has its value in the whole of Titurel: "When the horses break you for example leave the best to Laurens. She captures with two fingers in his nose, and at that time he has led more than all the staff together!"

But if it is necessary, an employee must take the initiative. That means fast switching times and select the right tone. Pedagogical assistant Laura van Achterberg (31) proves it when she has to appease a disagreement between two people on a rainy Monday morning. She dries the tears of one, while addressing the other with good advice.Laura listening to residents
Meanwhile, Laura's colleagues Catelijne Smeekens (43) bezig een andere bewoner uit bed te halen. Vandaag zijn twee paar handen en sterke armen nodig om haar op haar plekje aan de ontbijttafel te krijgen. Als vanzelf zijn de andere, now residents moved to table, caring or interested. Huishond Nova looks, and is, barely visible, gently petted. Tussen de bedrijven door leert Catelijne alles over de eetgewoontes in Portugal van Machiel, who was with his father on holiday.

Niet veel later neemt Catelijne de bewoners mee voor de dagopening. There is sung, and residents can all talk about their concerns, cute but also the less pleasant things. The opening is one of the hard times that the inhabitants of the Titurel, them as important, derive regularity.

Also heard movement at the opening

The New Year celebrations, such as St. John and St. Maarten maar ook Kerst en Pasen, are important evaluation moments for residents. Celebrating these celebrations comes from the origin of anthroposophic Titurel. "Titurel has retained the beautiful things of anthroposophy", Laura explains, "the parties, the community, the spells, de liederen.”

on Friday afternoon, during the traditional week closure, they sing together and told. Residents may share their experiences week, they are informed about the plans of Titurel and show what they have that week on the fields. The work is, like regularity, very important for residents. Luke explains that the residents work provides meaning, it keeps them engaged and motivated. In mattenvlechterij, het textiel-en keramiekatelier, culture class, het houtwerkatelier, the animal house, when outside maintenance, in the kitchen, with household chores or external projects, residents are also workingGlenn now knows all about horses and make beautiful walks with residents and animals together may also contribute to the greater whole: the community and society beyond Titurel. Nice is that you learn a lot as an employee.

In areas, but also in other areas, is er ondersteuning van vrijwilligers. Judith Leuris (64) as someone. Met haar jarenlange ervaring in de zorg was ze elf jaar geleden op zoek naar vrijwilligerswerk. Volunteers broker Woensdrecht linked to her without hesitation Titurel. As a volunteer Judith is for residents a raisin in the pieA good move, so pale. "I feel part of this one big family", she says, "As a volunteer you will be seen and appreciated here. Moreover, you have volunteered more time for residents than staff. So you really are the raisin in the pie!"

Volunteer or not, if you work at Titurel and your chance to be exploited "the raisin in the porridge", have more than work. Then you are, as Judith aptly describes, Part of a large family. Het Sint-Jan feest en het Kerstspel vieren medewerkers – met partner en kinderen – bij Titurel, and many attendant admits to regularly check the website at his own summer to see how the inhabitants of Titurel make their holiday. Laura and Catelijne are aware of the fact that their job is a very special track, and the more they think about it consciously, the more they realize the extent of the word "special".

"This work involves more than just caring. You are here never finished. There is always something to do and you learn every day ", says Catelijne, "And every day I realize that the residents as well in my life when I'm in that their. They do not live here for nothing, er is iets waar wij als medewerkers wat mee moeten, but we are guests in their home. You need to be constantly aware of how to set up your guest, but also remain aware of when you should take the initiative. You must be creative and improvise when necessary. "Laura calls" cheerfulness and humor "as key factors in its work. Ze beaamt wat Catelijne aangeeft, “je moet hier out-of-the-box kunnen en durven denken.” Of het nou out-of-the-box-denken is, be creative and improvise, Laura and Catelijne are agreed that therein lies the true professionalism of the staff Titurel.

Luke expresses this feeling in a beautiful metaphor: "Titurel can be seen as a road. Het gebaande pad geeft de kaders aan, for where the road ends the verge starts. Our residents walk independently on that road, with the staff beside him. Our job with it to ensure that residents do not end up in the roadside,nl. GertJan with dog house Nova which also contributes to the wholeThat is perhaps the most surprising of the work here: our role is less important than you might think. You can not solve "even" the problems of our residents. You can indeed help them find their way and to realize their potential. "

Mooi is dat de bewoners het door Lukas geschetste beeld op hun eigen manier, exactly tell. “De medewerkers geven goede tips als ik het even moeilijk heb”, find occupant Gert-Jan, "The types are happy where you get easy to make." Dweller Ton finds that employees' great understanding and time "must have for residents,nl. For those who need care, employees must conferring, but also the residents are united: "They have too much on the skin our. If it goes well, doing well. "And so it goes on Titurel. Laura and Catelijne add a dimension to the words as they say: "If it is necessary, they are equally good for us. "It is actually natural that the feelings and opinions of the residents are taken into consideration when a vacancy must be filled. The sense of community is essential Titurel. "Working here", says Luke, "Means you enter into a relationship with Titurel and its inhabitants. That requires something special, but you also get something special in return. "

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